Accept Change

Life often has a flow of its own. It unfolds without reason or logic, regardless of structure, routine or habits. And you can spend an unlimited amount of time, looking for answers, asking “why?” But what happens when you don’t have the answers you’re looking for? You become angry, frustrated, and disappointed. No one is exempt from life altering changes.

In life, as well as you know, and as we’ve all been repeatedly reminded, you can’t control everything. Life happens. You may not always like it, and you may think life if unfair, but what are your options? What do you do when things happen that you have no control over? You do have choices that can bring peace and happiness into your life. Do you know what “Go with the flow” means? It means accepting change, without getting angry or frustrated. Express your disappointment…?

Yes, you sit yourself down and express your thoughts and emotions, and you do this before they get the best of you. Accept life’s imperfections without judgment. It’s your responsibility to recognize the shifting that may take place or the challenge that lies ahead. See how you might connect with the experience with an open mind. It may require you to modify or adjust your thinking patterns, reaching for your inner strength and faith while not accepting defeat.

Living by the same emotions and thoughts every day and with every situation, changes nothing. The elements of an open mind are so very powerful, as it can be the map to your future.

Without self-pity or blame, take control of your thoughts. Be conscious of time and space, and you will have the ability to adapt to most any situation that you may be confronted with.

Find beauty through all the chaos…for happiness isn’t always where your expectations are.

“Seek clarity and understanding where change takes place.
There ~ lies ahead ~ rewards in life. Accept and allow your life to flow effortlessly.”
~ Dr. Jill Lee ~

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