Filling the Emptiness in Your Heart

Have you ever had that feeling of emptiness? A feeling that your insides are like a bottomless pit? Many people hold on to the emptiness inside, simply because then don’t know how to fill that empty space. It starts when you abandon yourself; by holding judgment and not honoring your inner guidance.

You may have experienced the loss of a loved one. You may be engaging in an unsatisfying relationship, or you may be feeling rejection. Perhaps there are financial struggles or even boredom. All of these mentioned can be symptoms or beliefs that cause you to have an empty heart. Truth be told…these are just beliefs and temporary at that.

I use the word “beliefs” because although these are situations you’ve encountered, you have the ability to change how you are affected. How.. you might ask? Emptiness does not come from the lack of something external but rather the lack of something internal.

You may try to fill this empty space with substances like food, drugs or alcohol. You may engage in purchasing material things. Do you really believe that material things will fill the empty space in your heart? Through all of this, the emptiness still exists. These are just temporary fillers, and there will still be something still tugging at your heart.

The key is to listen and honor your internal voice; which comes from your spirit. Take responsibility for your inner being ~ emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Find what ignites your spirit and don’t repress any emotions. When you know a passion so spectacular ~ so amazing ~ so prodigious ~ you will realize you no longer feel empty.

There is no Fairy Godmother with a magic wand; you must seek what your heart desires from within. Seek what you love. Love is always there to fill your heart when your heart is open. When your heart is closed, you become a prisoner of your own emptiness.

“When you know a passion so spectacular ~ so amazing ~ so prodigious ~
A passion that ignites your spirit ~
Feel it in the deepest depths of your soul ~
Don’t repress the emotion it brings ~
Let it tear your heart wide open and live that passion”

~ Dr. Jill Lee ~

4 thoughts on “Filling the Emptiness in Your Heart

  1. Tara Reply

    Thank you Jill
    I needed to read this and I needed to read it over and over again.
    I need to find something that I am passionate about, that’s what I think is missing from my life.
    I will keep you posted!


    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Dear Tara ~
      I am so glad you enjoyed this post… I hope you do find something that you are most passionate about.. That can bring more purpose to your life.
      Please do keep me posted, I look forward to hearing from you.

      Warmest Regards,


  2. Natia Reply

    I love that soft, enveloping drkenass. Interesting, that shadows only exist where light and dark collide. When it is totally one or the other, they can’t exist.

    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Dear Natia,
      I am so very glad you enjoyed reading my post, I hope you are able to find the balance in your life where the light and dark collide.

      Warm Regards,

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