Begin Each Day with Clarity

Each and every morning that we open our eyes is truly a blessing. It’s a chance to begin again. The day is filled with new choices that bring us opportunities. Each day is an opportunity for us to become aligned with our values. There…in the new dawn of day, is a chance to adjust our focus and choose what to do with what’s most important in our lives, what matters most to us.  For that…is the real blessing.

Questions that you may have asked yourself at the beginning of this New Year (Mentioned in my last blog in December) can now be in the forefront of your focus. The answers can become your motivation for each new day.

Every morning, pause for a few moments and glance back at yesterday. Then ask yourself ~ “How can I make today better?” Search your heart for the answers ~ visualize ~ as you gain a new perspective on the day’s challenges.   You see ~ you must acknowledge and clarify the past, in order to see the future. This is simply a “daily reflection.”

As you look through a looking glass, you can only see, if the glass is clean and clear. This also applies to your life.

Clarity is what you create for yourself, by the choices you make. It doesn’t just happen by luck. Some days may be clearer than others, and that’s okay.  There are days we all struggle to gain that clarity, myself included.  So ~ you may ask “what then?” ~

As you pause each morning, you may find it beneficial to also pause during the day, by centering yourself when you feel as if you are drifting. Here are some suggestions ~ as each can help relieve mental stains.

  • Try to keep your surroundings organized
  • Step outside, and breathe in some fresh air
  • Distance yourself from any negative distractions
  • Recognize your thoughts, as just thoughts ~ don’t react
  • Make the time for a 10-minute meditation
  • Don’t allow your mind to dwell
  • Enjoy a few moments of solitude and tune into your senses
  • Step away and drink a tall glass of water

Try to think of your confusion as no more than an illusion. You have the power to choose. You have the power to stay or to shift; as it’s your reality, you’re living. Learn to recognize your inner voice as it speaks, pay attention and trust your intuition.

Clarity is having an understanding of what drives and motivates us. It’s what helps us to see beyond the obvious and to see life through a different lens.  Having clarity is what will help you to make the choices that serve your well-being. Let your life be a beautiful journey ~ and know that each shift that you encounter will bring about new beginnings, new experiences, and new opportunities.

  “Don’t begin each day with yesterday’s broken pieces. Know that each day is a new day, bringing you new choices, with the chance to begin again”

~ Dr. Jill Lee ~

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