Love Yourself Healthy – Part Two

Last week, in Love Yourself Healthy-Part One, we touched on modifying your eating habits. Bringing more color into your meals, and adjusting your meal portions.  Becoming mindful of what you put into your body is important. This week we are going to explore the “why” and what the benefits are of eating healthy.

I suppose that I can write a book on what processed foods, sugar, and wheat do to your body, but I’m not going to. At least not now (lol). What I want to do is bring specific facts to your attention, and encourage you to choose for yourself. It’s free will; you decide how to nourish your body, but (and I’m sure you knew there was a “but” coming) I want to share some facts with you so that you can make wise choices.

Here are a few superfoods and facts for you to ponder on. These are a few foods to add to your meals and why:

  • Cucumber
  • Tomato
  • Avocado
  • Artichoke
  • Berries
  • Broccoli (notice that I tried to hide this one in the middle)
  • Kale
  • Sprouts
  • Red, green and yellow peppers
  • Coconut Oil
  • Fresh Herbs

These nine listed superfoods are some of the most important foods that you can bring into your diet and here is why:

  • They are rich in vitamins and minerals, yet low in calories
  • Anti-cancer
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Promotes strong, healthy bones
  • Help to strengthen your immune system
  • Helps to lower cholesterol
  • Helps with digestion
  • Natural detoxification
  • Helps with weight management
  • Promotes healthy skin

I can go on and on, and you are probably looking at this list and saying to yourself “I don’t like broccoli or kale.” Well ~ the good news is that there are many ways to prepare these superfoods so that they are more enjoyable to eat. You can sneak them into other foods; the important thing is that you do eat them! I will be happy to share some easy recipes with you and offer suggestions. There are many ways to satisfy your taste buds and nourish your body at the same time. Email me at or contact me through my website  (Some of you may not know ~ but I am also a chef.)

Bringing these natural foods into your diet is of the utmost importance if you want to obtain and maintain optimum physical and mental well-being. Yes, your emotional and mental well-being are tied to your physical health and your dietary choices. There are many more healthy superfoods that you can incorporate into your diet, many which are seasonal. Change it up, and get creative. Begin to modify slowly, and keep incorporating a little at a time. Like many of my previous blogs, I speak of a “learned behavior.” This is the same. It takes time, to change and when you go slow and steady, you are more likely not to go back to your old habits.

You have choices. You can continue wishing you had a healthy body, or you can choose a healthy way of eating to obtain optimum results.


      “Love yourself healthy”

~ Dr. Jill Lee ~

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