Realize And Be Your Authentic Self

Do you know who you really are and what you want out of this life you’re living?  We all want to know and be known. We so often get wrapped up in our day to day existence, and taking care of others wants and needs; we lose sight of who we are, as humans and what is most important to our authentic self. Sometimes thoughts you have may settle in your head, you get lost or stuck there and tend to shelter your own wisdom.

Being authentic is the ability to be true to oneself. It requires you to recognize and fulfill your needs, wants and desires. It requires you to make choices that are good for you and those choices belong in the forefront of your life, not on a back burner somewhere, forgotten. It means honoring yourself, and what you believe in, then following through.

As you personally embark on your own unique journey towards your authentic self there are factors which can provide you with a radiant direction for that path. Focus on what is meaningful to you and what really makes you happy. Try not to tie happiness to “things”, but more of what’s inside your head and in your heart. Stop worrying about the “What if” or any negative feelings that are tied to what’s most important to you. Worry is just noise in our brains, and can only hold you back from being who you want to be, or who you really are.

When you have this self confidence, and you know “who you are” it allows you to see others as they truly are, without judgment. That alone changes relationships and others will also feel free to be themselves. Be who you are, with self respect and without a worry of what others may think. What others think is not relevant to who you are!

Being authentic will take you on a wonderful journey in life of adventure, creativity, growth and purpose. Seek what is yours, and follow your heart.

4 thoughts on “Realize And Be Your Authentic Self

  1. Sher Reply

    Jill, timing could not be better for me to read this weeks fabulous blog you wrote. My deepest thank you from the very bottom of my heart!!!

    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Sher, I am always so happy when we can be on the same page. Always so happy to help. You do know that there is something to be said for that!
      I am also so very humbled by your warm heartfelt words. They mean so much to me.

      Warmest Regards,

  2. Bobbi Reply

    My life has been so crazy the past few weeks, after reading this I really need to rethink things in how I am doing them. I am that person who always does for others then I don’t have time for my stuff. Thank you!

    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Thank you Bobbi… that is the whole purpose of these blogs.. To get your mind thinking of how your can enjoy your life with more ease and less stress.
      I am here to help, please feel free to reach out to me, I believe I can help.. but in the meantime.. keep reading.

      Warmest Regards,

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