The Effects of Chaos to Stress

You just never know when utter chaos sneaks up and enters your life. Sometimes it’s a gradual process before you realize it and at other times it hits all at once, like and explosion. Chaos can derive from many different things, such as outside forces or internal manifestations. Family related issues, relationships issues, and even work related situations can cause chaos. So what happens next?? Stress develops.

The internal problems seem to extend into chaos and vise versa. It arrives and therefore you are thrown right into the middle of it.

There are many widespread symptoms that you are now faced with from these internal problems. Anxiety, sleeplessness, performance challenges, as well as relationship problems, not to mention health issues. Each situation differs within every person.

So many of us hide behind the structure of these initial problems, while trying to sustain a calm state of being. Perhaps you don’t want others to know of your internal world wind of chaos. This is a normal way to feel as you want to protect yourself. Withholding is the minds defense. Fight it, freeze it, or flee it are all reactions. I am sorry to say that there is no “One size fits all” solution.

At a certain point you must access this chaos. It is important to recognize the root of the stress it has caused and which has gotten out of hand. You must get a handle on things and as a result, there will be a change in your behavior and mood swings. There will be a change in the quality of your life. You will experience a shift in your relationships, and even your well being.

You may ask how?? Well, you can accept or adapt to the situation. You can try to alter or even avoid the situation. If these solutions don’t work for you, there is an alternative. You can seek help getting in touch with your emotions. The happy ones, the sad ones, as well as the stressful ones. You can have a renewed energy from gaining clarity. Getting in touch with your internal self and getting right to the core can create peace in your life.

Some may say that life without chaos is uninteresting, but what is the level of stress has it created for you and at what expense?

Life Coaching is the art of facilitating change, which is what I do.
I look forward to hearing from you.

6 thoughts on “The Effects of Chaos to Stress

    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Ahhh.. Renee
      I’m gllad you see that.. keep this in mind as you move through your day.

      Warmest Regards,

  1. Todd Reply

    I need to learn how to manage all the chaos in my life. Sometimes my days are quite a challenge, and I am not sure where to go with it.
    Thank you so much for your weekly blogs, they really help open my eyes.


    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      Good morning to you Todd,
      It is so important in our daily life to manage the chaos, before it manages us!
      Thank you for reading the weekly posts, I am so glad they help.
      I look forward to hearing from you.

      Warmest Regards,

  2. Bobbi Reply

    Chaos is my whole life it seems like, I never know what is going to happen from one day to the next. It’s hard I am tired I just want peace and to know what it’s like to have it.

    • Jill Lee Post authorReply

      I can completely understand Bobbi. You deserve to have a life with less chaos. It comes down to making choices that work for you.
      I can help. You just need someone to help you take control and negative through these life situations.. You can do it.. you deserve to live your best life.
      Thank you so much for reading my blogs, I hope they inspire you to find the happiness your deserve.
      Send me an email and I look forward hearing from you.
      Stay strong.. your are a beautiful soul.

      Warmest Regards,

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